IMPORTANT! We are currently carrying out maintenance work. These will be completed by about 22:00.


With the regify SDK's, software developers can integrate existing regify functionality into their own software or they can develop new regify apps. Two SDK's are available for this purpose: 


With the regify client-SDK, you can create regify files (regify messages,.rgf), register the communication as a regify transaction, open regify files and process contents of such files. Furthermore, the client-SDK includes cryptographic functions that facilitate the development of  secure applications. The client-SDK comprises of DLL files (Windows Vista to Windows 10 and Windows Server beginning with version 2008), SO files (Linux) or DYLIB (Mac OS) which you can use on your operating system. As an alternative, a command line version is also available, with which all of the essential functions can be performed in one call (Windows and Linux only). 

This SDK is also the basis for the regify Client in Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes and for the regify apps  regibill desktop or regipay desktop . The library files, required for the client-SDK, are automatically installed on your computer as part of the regify client installation. 

Skills required for using the client-SDK: 

Use of librarys in your preferred programming language (SDK as DLL, SO, DYLIB). Also, basic knowledge about regify is needed. 


With the regify provider-SDK, you can access regify provider functionality with simple URL commands. The SDK can be used with any programming language und only requires HTTPS access to the regify provider. Sophisticated rights management on three levels ensures the secure use of these functions. 

Normal user access enables to
- Request and change own user data (limited) 

- Request transactional information 

- Invite new users 

Group master access provides the following additional capabilities:
- Request and change user data of group members (limited) 

- Request the generation of new passwords (for users of your group) 

- Include users as a member of your group and cancel membership 

- Administer e-mail addresses of members of the group 

Super user access provides the following additional capabilities:
- Full administration of users and groups 

- Comprehensive authentication functionality 

- Sending invitations on behalf of users 

- Administer settings 

- Statistics and individual requests on the provider data 

- Select user lists and group lists 

The use of the provider SDK as a super user is restricted to the provider of a regify service. 

Skills required for the use of the provider SDK: 

Calling URL's from your preferred programming language and environment. Encoding and decoding of Base64. Handling of JSON coded data. Furthermore, knowledge about regify is needed. 

regibox Server 

To run regibox automatically on a server there is regiboxd. This special daemon/service is available for Linux and Windows. It offers a command line based interface to manage any number of regibox instances fully automated. This includes creating regiboxes, inviting and managing participants, deleting and removing files and versions, and monitoring functionality. 


Request information / register 

As an end-user or developer, please registere here for more information. Furthermore, we will inform you about SDK news. 

As a regify provider, please ask your regify contact person for more details. 

First name:  *
Last name:  *
e-mail:  *
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* = Mandatory information