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regify: New release for providers 

Integration of regibill and regipay
Optimized usability 

Luxembourg, September 14th 2011
- regify provider can now upgrade their regify solution to the release 3.0.1. The version offers numerous new features. The recently launched solutions regibill
(electronic billing without digital signature) and regipay (electronic payslips) were integrated.
Next to regimail, the solution for confidential and binding e-mail-communication, providers can now extend their offering for e-mail-communication and digital postal services. 


Optimized  usability
The regify services also show a higher level of usability. Therefore the new provider version now also supports French next to German and English. The login screen has been optimized graphically and is more user-friendly. With the help of comprehensive SMS functionalities registrations and invitations can be sent and confirmed. Moreover there are more individual design possibilities available e.g. for adaptations to the corporate design 


Extension of the regify client software
regify has extended the client software by new functionalities, developed an add-in for the Thunderbird versions 5 and 6 as well as a support for the new Android client.
An optimised Outlook- add in now allows saving of an unencrypted copy when sending an encrypted e-mail by regimail. Volker Schmid, CTO of the regify group says: ”This release of the regify solutions with the numerous new features allows our providers and their customers to make individual adaptations depending on their demands. This simplifies the use of the regify services further.” 

Press contact:
regify S.A.
Ulrike Lukas, Marketingdirektor
2b, Ennert dem Bierg
L-5244 Sandweiler, Luxemburg
Tel.: +352-2689322 

VOCATO public relations
Birgit Brabeck / Friederike Wagner
Bahnstraße 19
D-50858 Köln
Tel.: +49 (0)2234 - 60 198-18 / -16 /