Help to regipay
For recipients of regipay payslips there is an extra help document as a PDF download:
regipay User's Guide (PDF document)
If the payslip has been uploaded to your regify account (regipay Plus), you should simply log in to your portal and the available payslips will be displayed.
No payslip? -> Contact your employer! They usually send them and can also send them again or help you.
Contact your employer's payroll department. They usually send out the invitations and can invite you again.
The mailing is done by your employer or a corresponding service provider (for example, the tax advisor). Therefore, you must contact your employer if you want to know the date of the mailing.
If the message should be there, you should check your spam filter and clarify the email address used with your employer. It is not uncommon that minor typing errors or a full inbox were the problem.
Please log in to your regify portal with your existing regify account and go to "SETTINGS" ➔ "My e-mail addresses" and add the new address. You will then receive a confirmation email. Click the link in it to activate the new address.
Now please contact your employer and inform them that the payslips should be sent to the new e-mail address in the future.
Look in the help wizard on the page with error information .
If you have not succeeded with the above solutions, you may want to contact the sender of the regify message or regibox invitation.
Mainly with regipay Payrolls, your employer's Human Resources department will usually help.
For products like regimail, regibox and regichat, the support of your regify provider usually helps. You will find the contact information in the footer area of the portal page.
In addition, you can take advantage of paid regify vendor support. Further information can be found here.